
Nephrotic syndrome, a common complication

What are common complications of nephrotic syndrome ? How common complication of nephrotic syndrome caused ? Nephrotic syndrome, a common complication in the treatment of attention to what matters ? Nephrotic syndrome, a common complication of how to deal with ? Etc. These problems nephrotic syndrome patients and doctors should be one consideration in order to ensure a positive and effective treatment of nephrotic syndrome.
In this first understand what common complication of nephrotic syndrome :
( 1 ) nephrotic syndrome, a common complication - infection
Due to massive proteinuria in patients with nephrotic syndrome symptoms , the body of a large number of people from the urine lost immunoglobulin , plasma protein reduces the impact of antibody formation . When coupled with some clinical treatment , adrenocorticotropic hormone and application of cytotoxic drugs , so patients with systemic defenses are weakened, prone to infection , such as skin infections, primary peritonitis , respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections , and even induce sepsis.
Experts advise: if nephrotic syndrome in hormone therapy and cytotoxic drugs should be avoided infection -induced , such as the prevention of colds, away from the crowd more public places , such as personal hygiene to prevent infection of bacteria immersion , induced resistance low body infection.
( 2 ) nephrotic syndrome, a common complication of two - coronary heart disease
Nephrotic syndrome patients often have hyperlipidemia and hypercoagulable states , and therefore prone to coronary heart disease complications. It was reported that patients with nephrotic syndrome, the incidence of myocardial infarction eight times higher than normal . Nephrotic syndrome, coronary heart disease has become a third factor in the cause of death (after infection and renal failure ) .
Experts advise: understand the dangers of coronary heart disease in later , and thus to actively take preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of hazards. Thus nephrotic syndrome during treatment , pay attention to reduce the induction factors for coronary heart disease , hyperlipidemia and clotting disorders, always pay attention to changes in the disease , hyperlipidemia , and avoid high- clotting disorder caused increased incidence of coronary heart disease .
( 3 ) Third common complication of nephrotic syndrome - thrombosis
Nephrotic syndrome patients prone to blood clots , especially in membranous nephropathy, thrombosis rate up to 25 % to 40 %. The reason thrombosis edema , less patient activity , venous stasis , high cholesterol , blood viscosity increases so concentrated , high levels of fibrinogen and v, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, x factor increases and the use of adrenocorticotropic hormone and blood -prone hypercoagulable state and so on.
Experts advise : To prevent thrombosis , nephrotic syndrome patients in drug treatment while eliminating adverse symptoms , should be appropriate to do physical exercise, walk, tai chi , dance and other exercise relatively small movement , help improve people blood circulation , prevent thrombosis.
( 4 ) nephrotic syndrome, a common complication of four - acute renal failure
Nephrotic syndrome due to massive proteinuria , hypoalbuminemia , hyperlipidemia, body and often in hypovolemic hypercoagulable state , vomiting, diarrhea, use of antihypertensive drugs and diuretics lot of diuretic, can make a sharp reduction in renal perfusion , thus reducing the glomerular filtration rate , leading to acute renal failure. In addition, nephrotic syndrome, renal interstitial edema, tube blockage formation of tubular protein concentrate and other factors can also induce acute renal failure.
Experts advise : Acute renal failure is one of the three major causes of death in nephrotic syndrome, second only to infectious complications . Thus , either the patient or the doctor should pay attention to this issue , keep in mind during treatment, attention to scientific medicine and actively control the treatment of negative symptoms in order to avoid the occurrence of acute renal failure .
( 5 ) nephrotic syndrome, a common complication of five - electrolyte and metabolic disorders
Repeated or prolonged use of diuretics unreasonably ban salt , can make nephrotic syndrome secondary to hyponatremia ; adrenocorticotropic hormone use and a lot of diuretics cause a lot of urination, if not timely potassium , prone to hypokalemia .

Experts advise: quit salt and drug treatment unscientific , would lead to the loss of some of the essential trace elements , can lead to hyponatremia , hypokalemia, and a series of electrolyte and metabolic disorders. Thus , nephrotic syndrome during treatment , salt is not necessary absolutely ring to prevent hyponatremia ; diuretic swelling when it is not necessary to rely entirely large doses of diuretics can change of thinking , therapeutic methods applied carried diuretic swelling , while for the body to add potassium to prevent hypokalemia hair


