
What diet should pay attention to the patient's renal failure ?

Renal failure in patients with impaired renal function , patients with renal failure and therefore prone to indigestion phenomenon , renal failure patients in the diet should pay special attention. So pay attention to patients with renal failure on diet taboos and avoid eating food taboos .
Contraindicated in patients with renal failure diet
1, all kidney patients disabled neomycin , streptomycin , gentamicin, and auto-immune manshuriensis injection .
2 , has been taking hormones , should be diminishing hormone dosage and frequency under the guidance of doctors depending on the circumstances .
3 , in uremic patients maintain smooth stool , daily bowel movement 2 ∽ 3 times should be appropriate, not stay up late , sexual restraint , pay attention to rest , to avoid the cold .
4 , the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits Yi Shi , proper drinking water ; eat all supplements, tonics and easy to get angry foods such as : chili , lychee, chocolate and so on. In particular deficiency heat , such as purple tongue , pulse delay , chest tightness, abdominal distension in patients with blood disorders .
5 , Yi Shi light digestible food, avoid seafood , beef , lamb, spicy foods , alcohol and all fat objects such as: Spiced aniseed , coffee, coriander , etc. ;
Especially in patients with deficiency such as: red , loud pulse , sweating , dry stool, hematuria embolism ; but patients yang , such as: pale tongue white , pulse , body cold limbs, then thin, edible hot food.
6 , severe edema should avoid salt , limits on the amount of protein in food , drinking less .
Edema is not heavy, low- sodium diet may enter ; no swelling no limits on the amount of water and protein foods ; microscopic hematuria and who should get angry more water , eat more apples , sugar , black sesame seeds, fungus and other nourishing Yin Jiang Huo food.
7 , uremia hyperkalemia who eat high potassium foods such as : bananas, oranges , potatoes, tomatoes, squash , tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate ; contrary patients with low potassium levels .
8 , high blood uric acid , especially those who eat animal organs , Yuxia mussels , beer, mushrooms , beans, spinach.

9 , during treatment , if any, colds, fever , infections, and other situation , an emergency contact specialists , so that timely treatment to avoid complications increase.


