
Can not eat high cholesterol foods are there?

Cholesterol in the body have important physiological functions , modern medicine has proven that cholesterol is too high or too low will affect their health, which requires us to pay attention to the amount of the usual intake of dietary cholesterol . To do this , we need to understand what foods high in cholesterol ? Organic health experts will love him the more common life cholesterol-rich foods that are high summarized as follows , for friends as a reference to it.
Plant food is generally free of cholesterol. The following foods contain a lot of cholesterol daily , attention should be noted :
1 porcine sheep brain ( brain and other animals are similar ) containing cholesterol very much , called Champion
2 animal organs , such as kidney, liver, lung , pig spleen , intestines contain more cholesterol, animal offal, eat sparingly . No more than 2 times per month is appropriate .
3 egg yolks ( contains large amounts of cholesterol, and are concentrated in the yolk . Recommends the average adult eating an egg a day from 0.5 to 4. Squid with no more than one week , the second is appropriate.
5 shellfish, such as shellfish , red shellfish, oysters, scallops , abalone, clams , snails and other generally contain more cholesterol
6 Animal fats contain more cholesterol ; fats saturated fatty acids can also promote hepatic synthesis of cholesterol . Therefore, you should avoid eating animal fats .
What are common food high in cholesterol ?
( 1 ) to maintain a balanced distribution of heat , hunger and satiety should not be excessive , not a partial eclipse , avoid overeating or eating stuffed full style change before dinner hearty supper and sleep habits .
( 2 ) should be based on cereal-based staple food , with the thickness . Whole grains can increase the amount of corn, wheat flour, organic oats and other ingredients to keep carbohydrate calories for more than 55% of total calories .
( 3 ) increased legumes, improve protein utilization in dry beans , the average daily intake of more than 30g or 45g dried bean curd or tofu 75 - 150g. Drink milk or whole grains can !
( 4 ) increase the lower and the higher fatty acid -containing protein animal foods such as fish, poultry, lean meat , etc. , with a total daily calories from fat does not exceed 30 % of total calories .
( 5 ) remain edible vegetable oil -based, the amount per person per day to 25 - 30 g appropriate. Such as olive oil , sunflower oil
( 6 ) per person per day to ensure intake of fresh fruits and vegetables up to 400 g or more, and pay attention to increase the proportion of dark or green vegetables .
( 7 ) to reduce refined rice , noodles, candy, sweet pastries intake, avoid excessive intake of calories .
( 8 ) dietary ingredients should contain enough vitamins, minerals , plant fiber and trace element Qin , but it should be appropriate to reduce salt intake .
( 9 ) less alcohol , do not drink .

( 10 ) drink less sugary drinks more tea such as oolong tea, black tea ! ; Coffee stimulates gastric secretion and appetite , but it should not drink more .


