
Concerned about the early symptoms of women with kidney failure ?

What are the early symptoms of kidney failure women ? Why are women more and more kidney failure , experts suggest , is usually no symptoms to warn the patient of her kidneys can not work properly. This is why regular urine and blood tests are very important. Sometimes even if the patient feel good , but the results of the medical examination will show some signs of suffering from kidney disease .
Women renal failure can be divided into three :
1 , the start of this period ATN patients often suffer from some of the known causes, such as hypotension, ischemia , sepsis and renal toxins etc. but not significant renal parenchymal damage occurs in this phase of acute renal failure is preventable but with significant renal tubular epithelial damage occurs , GFR sudden drop in performance of the clinical syndrome of acute renal failure becomes apparent , then enter the maintenance phase .
2, the sustain period is also called oliguria typical for 7-14 days, but may be as short as a few days to 4-6 weeks long glomerular rate remained low and many patients may oliguria ( < 40Oml / d). However, some patients may not have oliguria , urine output in 400ml / d or more, known as non- oliguric acute renal failure, which mostly mild illness , the prognosis is good , however, regardless of whether the decrease in urine output , with renal dysfunction , may appear a series of clinical manifestations of uremia .
Acute renal failure, infection is another common and serious complication in acute renal failure at the same time or in the development of the disease process may also merge multiple organ failure , the mortality rate can be as high as 70 %.
3 , recovery of renal tubular cell regeneration , repair, restore the integrity of tubular glomerular filtration rate gradually returned to normal or near- normal range. Oliguric patients began diuretic, how can the performance of urine , daily urine output may up to 3000-5000ml, or more . usually lasts 1-3 weeks , and then again back to normal. compared with the glomerular filtration rate , function ( solute and water reabsorption ) recovery of glomerular epithelial cells relative delay , often take several months after recovery. minority of patients may ultimately left varying degrees of renal structure and function of the defect .
Many women because of sleepiness , pale yellow to find these symptoms of kidney failure , and what are the early symptoms of kidney failure women ?
Early symptoms of a female kidney failure , drowsiness , fatigue - early symptoms of kidney failure in the first performance
It may be early manifestations, but the most easily overlooked due cause drowsiness , fatigue reason indeed too much. Especially those in business , " full fight " , most people put the blame on the work of panic and fatigue . If a little rest and symptoms improved , are more easily overlooked .
Early symptoms of kidney failure two women , pale yellow - Early renal failure in patients with anemia due to renal incurred
This is due to anemia caused by attacks and because of this performance is very slow to start , which is not too short a period of time does not render a clear " contrast " , as people find it difficult to meet sooner or later, the slow unfolding of various changes in the same .
Early symptoms of kidney failure three women , edema - the most visible symptoms of early renal failure
This is a relatively easy to find the phenomenon . Because the kidneys can not eliminate excess water in the body and lead to fluid retention in the body tissue space , only early in the ankle and eyelid edema, disappeared after the break , when expanded , if persistent or generalized edema to have the disease do not carry light .
Early symptoms of kidney failure four women , urine changes - early renal failure patients because the symptoms of kidney function loss incurred
Since landing kidney filtration function , some patients with the disease will gradually reduce the amount of urine pause . Even normal urine , because urine to eliminate toxins that reduce the quality of land , you can not get rid of excess waste , so to some extent on the amount of urine your kidneys do not function well explain the good and bad .
Early symptoms of kidney failure five women , early symptoms of kidney failure in patients with hypertension will be presented .
Because kidney natriuresis , drainage function , impaired renal function when the body will attack with sodium and water accumulation , In this case, the kidneys secrete a number of substances increase blood pressure . Therefore , early renal failure patients have varying degrees of hypertension. If prone to cause clotting mechanism coupled with poor hypertension nose or gum bleeding, to attract attention .
Six women early symptoms of kidney failure , patients with serum creatinine higher early renal failure , accumulation of toxins in the body can not excrete lead to digestive function disorders, loss of appetite .
This is due to the toxins in urine retention, affect the digestive function caused most people disagree . Subject to the condition commenced , will be presented Fullness abdominal discomfort, nausea , vomiting, resulting in an increase in stool frequency or pulpy mass will be at this time, the disease has been heavy, this is an important reason patients often have medical treatment .

Renal failure, experts suggest that more than just a woman early symptoms of kidney failure , timely detection and timely treatment can prevent chronic kidney failure condition continued to deteriorate . To care for your body , in your life to be a conscientious, always concerned about the subtle changes in their body , such as the abnormal situation once , then if it is accompanied by hematuria ( blood was brown or red ) , high blood pressure, urine bubble , diarrhea , extreme thirst, restless sleep, or drowsiness , decreased libido , please go to regular hospital for examination , as far as possible early detection and early treatment to curb the kidney disease in the bud .


