
What renal failure patients should pay attention to diet ?

A low- protein diet : Experts point out that the kidney failure diet doctor should be " high-quality low-protein diet ," protein intake in patients with chronic renal insufficiency is very important. Renal failure, low-protein diet to "low" science, not the blind pursuit of low-protein , otherwise not conducive to treatment , but will also induce severe anemia , increased malnutrition. For most patients with chronic renal failure protein to maintain nitrogen balance , the daily intake of at least 24g, high-quality protein , which is high-quality protein intake should be 50-70 %.
Eating two renal failure patients , low-salt diet principles: renal failure diet excessively salt can aggravate their condition deteriorated , causing irreparable damage , but excessive control salt, long-term low-salt , or salt-free diet , there may be a low sodium syndrome. Patients with chronic renal failure have to restrict salt intake , in general, non- dialysis for kidney failure intake daily sodium diet should be controlled in 1-3g, usually try not to eat or eat pickles and pickled goods, soup to do something light , preferably based on body weight , blood pressure control under the guidance of doctors salt intake.
Three patients with kidney failure diet , low phosphorus diet principles : patients with chronic renal failure in the control of food intake of phosphorus is an essential means of treatment should avoid excessive phosphorus-containing foods, such as dairy products and eggs, meat . Particularly high phosphorus animal offal , eat sparingly . In addition to some of the animal brain , kidney, sardines and dried fruit , nuts , also try to eat less . Such as elevated serum phosphorus should cooperate with medical therapy , commonly used drugs are aluminum hydroxide and calcium carbonate to reduce phosphorus absorption in the intestine .

Fourth, the complement of essential amino acids : Recent studies have found that patients with chronic renal failure abnormal levels of various amino acids , essential amino acids showed much less than the essential amino acids , this imbalance can cause some changes in enzyme activity , impede the peptide chain synthesis, resulting in insufficient protein synthesis. Renal failure patients with low protein diet amino acid + urea synthesis of protein treatments available to reduce azotemia , to maintain a positive nitrogen balance , but can also effectively control phosphorus intake, thus contributing to calcium and phosphorus metabolism corrected. In addition, as a direct complement of amino acids, and protein intake control at a low level , help reduce glomerular filtration , thereby protecting renal function.


