
What renal failure diet should pay attention to ?

As we all know , the kidneys are the main organs of the human body to generate and excretion of urine , once with impaired renal function , creatinine produced by the body , blood urea nitrogen , uric acid , benzoic acid and various amines can not be successfully excreted large accumulation in the body, cause damage to the human body , thereby forming uremia. Renal failure patients , diet has a very important role in health , drugs or other treatments can not be replaced , the following are some of the basic principles of renal failure patients the control diet .
Renal failure, high-quality low-protein diet attention
Renal failure patients must be controlled protein intake , the basic principle is that high-quality low-protein diet. Of which 50 % to 60% essential amino acids must be contained high biological value quality protein, such as eggs , milk , fish, lean meat and other animal protein ; try to eat with vegetable protein -rich foods, such as peanuts, beans and their products , because such materials contain more non-essential amino acids , can not meet the needs of the body . In order to limit the intake of vegetable protein , you can use wheat starch ( Cheng surface ) instead of rice, flour staple . Low-protein diet should be given individual consideration, different protein intake in patients with different stages .
Note kidney failure diet intake of high-calorie diet
Daily calories should be less than 30 kcal per kg of body weight , weight loss increased appropriately , appropriate to reduce obesity . For adequate intake of calories, you can eat more vegetable oil and sugar . If you feel hungry, you can eat sweet potatoes , taro , potato , chestnut flour , yam flour, lotus root powder , apple and so on. If it is due to the kidney failure caused by diabetes , will have proper control of sugary substances.
Note kidney failure diet eating vitamin -rich foods
Renal failure patients often have nausea , vomiting , anorexia, anorexia and other gastrointestinal symptoms and diet control, reduce food intake , inadequate intake coupled with increased catabolism , dialysis process will lose part of the patient's body is clearly insufficient vitamin especially water-soluble vitamin B and vitamin C, folic acid, etc. , need to be properly supplemented . Therefore , patients must eat more rich in substances containing these fresh vegetables and fruits. Or give an oral tablet .
Renal failure diet attention to proper mineral supplements
Most patients with chronic renal failure, electrolyte imbalance exists more or less , such as calcium, potassium , phosphorus, high in the eating process, the need to make appropriate adjustments based on the results of the blood test . Edema , hypertension, oliguria patients to take low-salt diet , the daily salt should not exceed 3 g ( including sodium condiments MSG, soy sauce , etc. ) , other patients do not have to be strictly limited.
Due to chronic renal failure patients had high phosphorus state must adopt low-phosphorus diet, daily intake of phosphorus should not exceed 600g. Dialysis patients prone to excessive aluminum , excessive intake of aluminum ( such as antacids , aluminum hydroxide ) will cause aluminum toxicity , resulting in dementia or aggravate uremic encephalopathy , must be limited. Usually should try not to use aluminum pots for cooking food .
Note kidney failure diet drinking in moderation
How much water must also make appropriate adjustments according to the specific circumstances of the patient. If the merger had oliguria , edema , hypertension , heart failure , etc., must be strictly controlled amount of water ; dialysis patients have control of drinking water , this may cause a lot of body fluid accumulation , increased edema , heart failure, or water intoxication . If the urine in more than 1000ml , there is no edema, hypertension , heart failure and other complications , you do not have to limit water intake.
Renal failure diet attention to low-fat diet to reduce blood lipids
High cholesterol is also one of the incentives to promote the progress of renal failure , while drug treatment , diet regulation is essential. To reduce foods rich in saturated fatty acids ( such as animal fats, pork , chicken , etc. ) intake ; increased intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids ( such as vegetable oil , fish oil , etc. ) . Try not to eat or eat less animal offal, you can eat more rich in soluble fiber foods , such as oats , buckwheat, rice bran and so on.

Kidney failure diet , diet for chronic renal failure patients is a basic treatment can reduce the production of toxins in urine , kidney failure diet, the body can maintain a minimum balance requirement of nutrients and electrolytes , renal failure diet, but this program is a challenge the patients themselves and their families need to try to overcome, kidney failure diet, because often need to give up some food to satisfy their appetites .
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