
High uric acid, creatinine, how high do we go?

Kidney patients in the clinical examination will fluctuate creatinine, serum creatinine showed higher than normal, below normal and urine creatinine. Since the kidneys subjected to violations of various causes after the damaged kidney inherent phenotypic transformation of cells, the formation of pathological changes in the kidneys to stimulate fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, because the kidneys continue to cause damage, the excretion of waste function decreased, causing the accumulation of toxins in the body, such as creatinine, while patients will have high blood pressure, high degree of swelling and other symptoms elsewhere in the body. Which appeared in the blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine in urine decreased renal filtration rate and so on.

High creatinine and urea nitrogen how to treat? From the above analysis, creatinine and urea nitrogen in vivo is due to the high intrinsic renal cell damage, decreased glomerular filtration caused. So the key to treatment is to block the development of kidney fibrosis in therapy at recommended Integrative therapy in the treatment of drug above, the use of Micro-Chinese Medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine creatinine high penetration therapy can do the following:

1 vasodilator: Because kidney disease causing renal tubular epithelial cells in ischemia and hypoxia, the idea of ​​vasodilator purpose is to improve blood circulation kidneys status of each system, relieve renal ischemia and hypoxia inherent in each cell, as Next epithelial cell repair to provide a good environment.

(2) Anti-inflammatory: is to reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells, reduce re-injury of renal tubular epithelial cells.

3 anticoagulation: increase in inflammatory cells in the blood, the blood will increase viscosity to some extent, which increases the renal capillary micro thrombosis. The use of anticoagulant drugs is to reduce the pressure of thrombosis, in order to lay the foundation for epithelial cell repair.

4 Degradation: tubular capillaries increase in inflammatory cells and vascular micro thrombus deposition of urate crystals, causes tubular epithelial cells and capillary endothelial cells of capillary tubular aggregation and cell sediment an increase in the extracellular matrix. To do this go through the use of related drugs to continue to degrade the extracellular matrix deposition and make excreted in the urine.

In the use of drugs, the scientific method should be used in combination or a combination of Chinese and Western methods. Not simply a way to use the medicine or western medicine. By the effect of a method for single always have limitations.

By application of the four fair treatment of renal tubular epithelial cells of capillaries will be repaired, its normal kidney function will naturally recover.


