
Patients with renal failure recipes ?

First, should pap , avoid hard food and fried foods in patients with chronic renal failure due to a toxin retention in the body and blood microcirculation and other reasons caused by gastrointestinal mucosa often has congestion, erosion of the state , such as eating hard food , fried foods such as sesame cake sugar , fried donuts , etc., often cut through the blood vessels leading to food in the stomach and cause bleeding. Due to chronic renal failure , coagulation function in patients with uremia obstacles , bleeding difficult to stop , it will lead to death.
Second, the diet should be light , avoid spicy foods and chronic renal failure, gastrointestinal mucosa in patients with uremia often has congestion, erosion of the state , such as eating chili , white wine and other spicy foods often aggravate erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa , leading to the stomach lining oozing of blood vessels .
Third, eating dogs, sheep , cattle and other meat products should be cautious Chinese believe that dog meat, mutton, beef fat objects , can lead to relapse or worsening really see systemic lupus erythematosus or chronic nephritis caused by renal failure patients on clinical eating cattle, mutton sicker even after the last death , remains to be seen whether a coincidence , but in patients with chronic renal failure or not to eat such meat as well.
Renal failure - renal failure patients with renal failure diet food taboos Notes :
When kidney dysfunction, toxins can not be excreted in urine , accumulate in the blood causing symptoms of poisoning ( ie, uremia ) , will lead the body has too much potassium , sodium and potassium ions.
Control diet for chronic renal failure patients is a basic treatment can reduce urinary toxins , the body can maintain a minimum balance requirement of nutrients and electrolytes , but this plan is the patients themselves and their families need to try to overcome a challenge, as is often necessary to give up some food to satisfy their appetites .
Diet principles :

An appropriate protein intake ; 2 , adequate intake of calories ; 3, note that the control of water and salt ( sodium ) intake ; 4, to avoid high phosphorus and potassium -containing foods .


