
How to arrange renal atrophy patient's diet

Patients with renal atrophy speaking , the daily diet is important . Reasonable feeding help protect kidney function, and delay the occurrence of renal insufficiency . Well, renal atrophy patient's diet how to arrange it?
Total energy : adult total daily energy supply 8 .368 ~ 16 .7361 kg.
Water and salt : If you have swelling or severe high blood pressure, you should eat low-salt or salt-free diet. If severe edema, oliguria , heart failure, the amount of liquid a day people should be controlled within 1 000ml.
Usually to limit protein intake, may be appropriate consumption of milk, meat , they contain many essential amino acids , the body needs to supply . Water , electrolytes and other substances ingested . Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys causing edema.
Salts and vitamins : vitamin diet should supply A, D, B, C and the mineral -rich foods .
Protein: If renal function is normal , the amount of protein in the diet can not strictly limited, daily intake per kilogram of body weight lg; If increased urinary protein , plasma proteins is low, normal renal function , can give high-protein diet , the daily per kilogram of body weight 1. 2 ~ 1.5g; If azotemia , it is necessary to limit protein intake per day per kilogram of body weight can only supply 0.6 ~ O.8g, but also to the intake of protein containing essential amino acids and more .
Fat: try to eat , especially not eat animal fats, unsaturated fatty acids should eat more vegetable fats .
To fasting spicy , not alcohol tobacco, attention exertion. Pasta. Patients with renal atrophy edible proper pasta, but do not eat hard pasta , not eat much. Renal atrophy diet is very important. So how patients with renal atrophy conditioning diet? Renal atrophy patient edible proper pasta, but do not eat hard pasta , not eat much. Meat consumption may be appropriate , but it is preferable not to use beef and the like .
Avoid eating too much potassium foods such as bananas, dried fruit , beef , pork, sardines, soy sauce , lettuce and wheat . Eat more dark green vegetables. If some of the uncomfortable situation , we must promptly to the hospital to check for treatment.
Renal atrophy diet should pay attention to fat intake . Fat should consider eating monounsaturated fatty acid foods, such as vegetable oil. Protein intake . Meat consumption may be appropriate , but it is preferable not to use beef and the like . Usually to limit protein intake, may be appropriate consumption of milk, meat , they contain many essential amino acids , the body needs to supply .
Renal atrophy patients should pay attention to substance intake of water, electrolytes. Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys causing edema. Avoid eating too much potassium foods such as bananas, dried fruit , beef , pork, sardines, soy sauce , lettuce and wheat .
Eat more dark green vegetables , etc. If some patients with renal atrophy uncomfortable situation , we must promptly to the hospital to check for treatment. Fat should consider eating monounsaturated fatty acid foods, such as vegetable oil.
Kidney atrophy due to renal failure diet most scientific treatment , is fundamentally prevent renal fibrosis , renal intrinsic cells continue to prevent damage by the potent medicine necrotic tissue lesions , splitting resolve excreted inherent repair damaged cells, renal pathological damage can be controlled, restored kidney function.
Chronic renal atrophy is a manifestation of kidney damage kidney patients , usually patients with chronic renal atrophy progressive renal impairment or renal insufficiency has come to life or uremic stage. For chronic renal atrophy , patients in addition to diet in their daily lives , but also timely treatment to prevent its progressive renal atrophy down.


