
Daily care of patients with lupus nephritis specification

Lupus nephritis is not an incurable disease , not like some patients with lupus nephritis said as ferocious like a wolf . After investigation know that many patients only rule once, twice or more, and some even " cure " relapse again . Why would these lupus patients with recurrent and permanently it?
In daily life , lupus nephritis care do not get bit , not standardized, or lupus nephritis patients not at all clear how the daily care , resulting in recurrence of lupus nephritis . After recovering from lupus nephritis adhere attention care is very important, even essential.
Patients with lupus nephritis daily care specification :
1 , patients with lupus nephritis diet care:
Should be high-calorie , high vitamin , low-salt diet , in addition to renal insufficiency outside can give high-protein diet, the conditional long-term use of milk, especially colostrum , colostrum contains a lot because antibodies can increase the body's immunity.
2, the rehabilitation of patients with lupus nephritis exercise care:
Lupus nephritis patients have adequate sleep , to relieve fatigue , but may be appropriate to participate in various activities , housework and a wealth of recreational activities , farmers can light manual labor .
3 , patients with lupus nephritis psychological care:
Hormones can cause illness or taking posture , appearance change , not part of the patient's fertility and serious loss of function , so that the patient depressed, thinking overburdened lost confidence in life , to refuse treatment . Family should be more talk to patients , so that patients feel the warmth and love of people around the community, to increase confidence in the treatment and indicate drug reactions are reversible.
4 , lupus nephritis patients with relapsed to early treatment :
Patients with lupus nephritis remission alternating episodes , need early treatment if symptoms recur . Fatigue, infection, childbirth is often relapse incentives , attention should be avoided. Women of childbearing age should contraception, multiple organ damage should terminate the pregnancy. Of organ damage is not obvious , the disease still long , families who have an urgent desire fertility , also under the guidance of doctors have peace childbirth , mother safe precedent , but it must be under strict medical supervision .
5 , lupus nephritis patients with medication care :
Lupus nephritis patients proper treatment expert should guide the use of corticosteroids : The disease control can be taken daily or every other day 7:00-8:00 am on medication to reduce drug inhibition of adrenal cortex , and by taking the drug minus approach , in order to avoid "rebound " phenomenon.
6 , the families of patients with lupus nephritis should always observe the mental state of patients with lupus nephritis :
Disease activity may lead to abnormal mental state , mental anomaly appears : abnormal behavior , anxiety, apathy, and even stupor state , or the performance of over-excitement , hallucinations, paranoia or obsessions . While some patients are not psychiatric symptoms , their excitement or long-term use of hormone insomnia Department actions, in addition to use of sedatives or reduce the amount of hormones , the symptoms can be improved, but the combined mental disorders , often the disease is neurological, psychiatric system damage yet control performance , shall promptly notify the physician.
7 , lupus nephritis patients to combat colds and infections :
Once the infection should be promptly lot of antibiotics. When patients with lupus nephritis home care , prevention and treatment of colds should always pay attention warm warm ; If the cold , to follow the doctor's advice, taking small renal toxicity cold medicine , such as c -dimensional silver fins , SHL oral liquid, granules, etc. Radix .
8 patients with lupus nephritis General care:
Outdoor activities can be coated chloroquine facial cream , wear long-sleeved clothes, wearing a wide-brimmed hat to reduce sun exposure to avoid skin lesions . Interior should curtains. Good oral care , available 4% soda mouthwash to prevent fungal infections , fungal infections have been delicious with oral Nystatin 500,000 units three times a day , or 1 --- 4 % ​​of imazalil solution mouthwash daily 3-4 times. On the fingers, toes , nose, ear lobes and other parts of widespread arteritis merger Raynaud's phenomenon , should keep warm and avoid frostbite distal limb necrosis .

If proper treatment , coupled with lupus nephritis careful and reasonable care , it can control the treatment of lupus nephritis , but also can reduce the psychological fear of patients with lupus nephritis . Patients with lupus nephritis is best carried out under the guidance of a doctor or nurse specialists .


