
What is the cause of children nephritis

What is the cause of children nephritis ? Health of children is something every parent concern , because children's own immune system is poor, often lead to children suffering from disease, to understand the etiology of the disease, the prevention of disease is very help , then what is the cause of children nephritis is it ?
What children nephritis is the cause ?
Experts point out that children are allergic purpura purpura nephritis secondary lesions, is a systemic autoimmune disease . In patients with allergic purpura , about one-third or more kidney damage can occur , which Youyi children aged below nephritis as much. When the body's immune function is normal, non-self antigens can generate both humoral and cell-mediated immunity , the body play a role in immune protection . When the immune dysfunction , outside of bacteria , viruses, seafood , drugs , etc. , then can cause allergic reactions, autoimmune disease or immunodeficiency disease , which damages the body's health.
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Antigen and antibody in vivo virulence factors produced after these are combined to form immune complexes, which immune complexes deposited in the glomerular most easily , thereby starting the process of fibrosis in the kidney . At the same time , the process of renal fibrosis also causes inflammation of the blood vessels , the glomerular capillary fragility and permeability, with hematuria is a direct manifestation , leading children nephritis occurred.
Children 's immunity is weaker than adults, their natural resistance to disease worse . Especially in the cold season or cold , children nephritis prone to colds . When the cold virus in children after the invasion , it is likely it will act on the kidneys to form immune complexes in vivo antibody , making the degeneration of renal fibrosis , resulting in children nephritis occurred. In addition , with the improvement of living standards, coupled with overly doting parents , in this case , many children have picky eaters , long-term preference for eating seafood , rarely eat vegetables , plus do not love the activities , which also causes their resistance to disease is weak , it is difficult to escape the virus, allergic factors triggered the invasion of nephritis .

Therefore, sickly child , you want to prevent the occurrence of nephritis , the primary should avoid excessive exposure to the disease induced by a variety of " errors of gas" ( such as fish , shrimp , crab , pollen, milk , etc. ) . Secondly, we should pay attention to warm cold , prevent colds occur. Finally, it should know that it is to be nutritionally balanced meals , parents should teach children not to picky eaters , eat more vegetables , fruits, enhance disease resistance.


