
Why mothers should be especially careful pyelonephritis ?

Pyelonephritis is how is it ? Why are women more prone to infection during pregnancy pyelonephritis it? Pyelonephritis refers to inflammation of the kidneys glenoid , mostly caused by a bacterial infection , usually associated with lower urinary tract inflammation , clinically difficult to strictly distinguish . According to the clinical course and disease , pyelonephritis can be divided into two phases of acute and chronic , chronic pyelonephritis is an important cause of chronic renal insufficiency.
Pyelonephritis is also common in pregnant women urinary tract diseases . This is because:
1 , ureter during pregnancy affected by estrogen and progesterone and expansion , resulting in tissue relaxation lumen expansion creeping slowly exclude urine retention, urinary retention often in the renal pelvis and ureter , which is bacteria in the renal pelvis and ureter create the conditions for growth and reproduction .
2 , female urethra is easy for the bacteria directly adjacent to the vagina and anus gathered , and the urethra and shorter , only 3 to 4 cm , such as poor hygiene , the bacteria invade the urethra and easily detected upstream of the renal pelvis , causing pyelonephritis.
3 , the couple before sexual intercourse without cleaning the external genitalia , male and female genitals during sexual intercourse tube in close contact and friction and collisions woman urethra, often easy to take advantage of the bacteria invade the urethra , causing bacterial pyelonephritis .
4 , the pregnant uterus can cause constipation bowel squeeze so easy to make colon bacteria invade the ureter , bladder, urethra and pelvis from the intestine through the lymphatic .
5, the body contact engaging force during pregnancy reduced susceptibility gingivitis , pharyngitis , tonsillitis , otitis media , rhinitis , bacterial infection of the lesion, can spread via the blood circulation to the urinary system , causing pyelonephritis.

In order to protect the health of pregnant women and fetuses , pregnant women should pay attention to hygiene , to maintain external genital hygiene , wash pants , bathe , when you wipe from front to back stool to prevent pollution of the urethra. The best woman after intercourse can answer a piss , so the bacteria may enter the urethra washed out . Pregnant women should strengthen moderate physical activity, enhance the body's resistance to diseases, to prevent the occurrence of disease , pregnant women should drink plenty of water , eat more fresh vegetables , fruits, to increase urine output , flushing the urethra to prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria. If suffering from pyelonephritis , to timely treatment, and you want to disable the kidney damage drugs , such as gentamicin , kanamycin , iodine-containing contrast agents.


