
Children with chronic kidney disease is the cause of the high incidence of obesity

Core Tip : Kidney disease is a common chronic disease of children . In recent years, Chongqing Children diagnosed with chronic renal failure patients increased significantly , and showed a trend of younger age , even children with teenage appear. Experts said that many parents think their children are in growth stages , to give high-protein, high-energy diet, but excessive intake of protein , fat, but will increase the burden on the kidneys .
October 17 , reporters from the Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University learned that the city schoolchildren population , there exist more than 400 urine abnormalities were present per 10,000 students , these children are likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease. Experts said that children easily lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease , uremia , and positive trends were younger age , parents must be vigilant.
Children suffering from chronic kidney disease more
It is understood that kidney disease is a common chronic disease of children . In recent years , the city of children diagnosed with chronic renal failure patients increased significantly , and showed a trend of younger age , even children with teenage appear.
Children's Hospital in the city to do a screening of chronic kidney disease in Yuzhong, Jiang Jin , Liang Ping , Qianjiang and other six counties set survey points to a total of 10,000 schoolchildren aged 6-18 were physical.
The findings showed that 4% -5 % of the students appeared abnormal urine , and urine is an important indicator of whether the discrimination people with chronic kidney disease.
Obesity, kidney infection so that children " vulnerable"
Kids love to eat, the body looks sturdy , this is to let parents happy. But as young as 3 years old Allison ( a pseudonym ) reached more than 40 kg body weight , much higher than their peers , small face comparable to the size of football . Because a fat, Allison always be a small partner ridicule.
A month ago, parents sent Allison to the hospital , only to find it in addition to diabetes , but also suffering from obesity -associated nephropathy .
"A lot of parents think their children are in growth stages , to give high-protein, high-energy diet, but excessive intake of protein , fat, but will increase the burden on the kidneys ." NANJIANG said.
In addition , tonsil inflammation, respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections and other children of the most common diseases, once the delayed treatment or improper treatment can cause chronic , recurrent infections , resulting in kidney damage , eventually occur nephritis or chronic renal failure .
Nephropathy " silent " Parents should be alert
Studies have shown that most of the many adult kidney diseases originating in childhood . Kidney disease in childhood if not early diagnosis and proper treatment , some patients into adulthood , it may affect renal function occurs , can also cause hypertension, myocardial damage.
" Kidney like a ' silent killer ' ." NANJIANG said early in the disease , the child may not have any symptoms , or only the performance of easy fatigue, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite , nausea , etc., can not be caused by parental vigilance. Like some obese children , obese parents because the child to the hospital , only to find there are kidney problems.

However, experts said that although the disease in early chronic kidney disease , child obvious symptoms, but the parents as long as careful attention , or to find some early signals . For example , the child's urine foam increased significantly, lingering , may prompt urine protein . There are a part of the child at the time of onset nephrotic syndrome , eyelid edema, and there will be swelling of the eyelids , are the early signs of kidney disease in children .


