
Chronic renal impairment have been what characteristics

Chronic renal impairment have been what characteristics
Many kidney disease patients on kidney little common sense understanding , suffering from kidney failure and even on their own are not very clear how the same thing. Chronic kidney function is impaired what characteristics . Kidney specialists made ​​a fairly detailed description . The symptoms of oliguria, water, electrolyte and acid-base balance and uremia creatinine high performance. Renal function is impaired is more common diseases , sub- acute and chronic . Acute renal impairment is subject to drastic damage both showed clinical syndrome of kidney function in a short time . Acute renal impairment is clinically been seen by more than a serious illness , if an accurate diagnosis , rational treatment, can often be recovered or control . Acute and chronic renal impairment can be distinguished by the following points:
The first record from the illness , the disease duration is to distinguish between acute and chronic renal damage by the foundation . Acute kidney function is impaired patients without kidney disease patients more than previous records, the kidney itself structural imbalance has not yet occurred in the early stages . Chronic kidney function is impaired patients with chronic kidney disease more than previous record disease , kidney disease , such as primary , secondary renal disease .
The second point is that the clinical manifestations of acute renal function is impaired slower onset of acute renal function is impaired , and the symptoms exhibited rapid , and chronic renal function is impaired in chronic progressive kidney damage, symptoms of a progressive increase of the process, and the primary symptoms of kidney disease.
Acute kidney function is impaired can be divided into three :
1 , oliguria , very large part of the patients showed a precursor showed 12 to 24 hours after initially showing little or no urine . Is particularly serious hyperkalemia , which can cause cardiac arrest ; water balance disorders, patients prone to exhibit water retention, severe cardiac patients will cause a recession , pulmonary edema, cerebral edema ; easy to secondary respiratory infections and urinary tract infections.
2 , polyuria , oliguria after gradually increasing the amount of urine when the urine more than 500 ml per day , enter polyuria . About 4 to 5 days , occult blood urea nitrogen , creatinine , etc. with the urine from the body , uremia creatinine high performance also will turn. Potassium, sodium, chloride and other electrolytes in the urine can cause a lot of discharge or dehydration and electrolyte imbalance , attention should peak in the urine of patients with stage might exhibit hypokalemia . This period will last from 1 to 3 weeks .
Recovery, urine gradually returned to normal, 3 to 12 months after the gradual recovery of renal function , the vast majority of patients with renal function recovered to normal levels, only part of the patient to chronic renal been damaged.
Anemia is one of the symptoms of chronic renal been damaged , it becomes acute and chronic renal function is impaired renal function differential point of being impaired . Anemia can be used to distinguish between acute and chronic renal function is impaired renal function is impaired reference index , but it is not a specific marker .

The above is for chronic renal impairment has been to explain what features , summary, chronic uremia characteristics significantly better than the performance of acute renal failure and easy to be noticed . Symptoms of chronic renal function decline , however , although many hidden strong. So for kidney patients, it is necessary to prevent renal failure , especially for chronic uremia. Patients have to pay attention to their diet, and rest in a reasonable daily life . I hope the above differences in acute and chronic renal failure , renal patients give helpful .


