
hite-collar culprit was actually kidney fat

Core Tip : Each white-collar workers found that , after working for some time and if I do not do sports , there will be a spare tire on the stomach and lower body will be more severe , which makes a lot of white-collar distress, no matter how useless concerned about their Zuidou , is not seen to slim down , which is why?
Each white-collar workers found that , after working for some time and if I do not do sports , there will be a spare tire on the stomach and lower body will be more severe , which makes a lot of white-collar distress, no matter how concerned about their Zuidou no use, is not seen slim down, which is why?
White-collar workers do not eat too fat, the culprit was actually the kidney :
Most white-collar workers have the habit of drinking tea , many people choose to drink diet tea, mainly every woman wants to own beautiful side show to everyone, downsizing is the most common , people regardless of beauty and ugliness, there is a good figure the most important, but mostly because the white-collar " imprisoned family " so fat is inevitable, weight loss has become white-collar Korea people usually do one thing, but no matter how fat or control their own reasons actually kidney .
Why kidney fat it will take the liberty of office ladies ?
Kidney white-collar ability to metabolize fat mainly because of bad kidney , in fact, the long-term effects on the kidneys , and the slimming tea is bad, the water itself is the ability of our molecular size glomerular filtration where , if long-term consumption of tea, especially slimming tea, capacity would have weakened the role of the kidneys .
Weight loss tea makes the body becomes weak :
Most weight loss methods weight loss product is scraping oil, intestines , but the fact that the white people hurt my stomach , but this will not necessarily hurt my stomach stomach pain , only that will be uncomfortable , so you eat something not digested becomes a poo , and is not normal, you may start on the wrong color , the smell is relatively heavy, the latter would be a good point , imagine if the drink slimming tea , eat cold things , we will still hurt my stomach , so long our bodies naturally go very true, which is mainly reflected in the virtual kidney , and severe kidney glomeruli be in a greater burden , may lead to glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure and ultimately to the end , full beauty of women still drink diet tea, be sure to choose the correct way to lose weight .
White-collar kidney fat how to do?
In fact, this problem is very simple , as long as usual plenty of exercise , and have to make adjustment from the diet , it is important for the " imprisoned family " is concerned , be sure to give yourself space to rest, walk around the kidneys ability to metabolize also very good.

Through the above description that the culprit was actually the kidney fat white-collar understand it, in fact, as long as we pay more attention to their daily body , kidney is a lot of warning , as long as careful enough to like, but once they have found the phenomenon kidney must be to a regular hospital for examination and treatment.


