
Why misdiagnosed kidney failure

There are many kidney disease , some symptoms are similar , it is easy to confuse patients , clinical findings indicate that the majority of patients with chronic renal failure symptoms are slow to happen, but a lot easier when we become the diagnosis of chronic renal failure in other diseases , such as : cancer, digestive diseases and other diseases , and thus delayed treatment , so that the patient's health is very bad . Here is a look at how kidney specialists say .
What is chronic renal failure ? How does it happen ? The occurrence of chronic renal failure secondary to come , for example, some of the more common kidney disease , the main manifestation is renal dysfunction , metabolic products of retention, water, electrolyte and acid-base balance , causing the kidneys can not maintain a stable internal environment . Etiologies of chronic renal failure is more complex, in primary renal disease , the most common chronic glomerulonephritis chronic renal failure more than half of the total incidence (about 50 - 70) , chronic pyelonephritis about accounting for a quarter , there are other causes of renal arteriosclerosis .
Experts pointed out : Chronic renal failure is a severe life-threatening disease , we must pay close attention ! Since early manifestation of the disease is not typical, but symptoms can occur in any one system , therefore, easily misdiagnosed as a disease of a system , especially in patients who had no significant chronic kidney disease , where there is weakness, fatigue , physical decline , abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting or gastrointestinal bleeding friend.

By introducing the above , we should be clear , easily misdiagnosed with chronic renal failure , Bukebufang , chronic renal failure is a severe life-threatening disease , neglect of prevention equals no responsibility for their own health . Chronic renal failure patients as long as the timely detection and timely treatment can generally get a better prognosis. I wish you a speedy recovery !


