
Periodontitis in patients with chronic kidney disease alert

 A home Dental Hospital recently published a study for the first time the rate of chronic kidney disease in patients with chronic periodontitis was 18.2% , significantly higher than the rate of chronic kidney disease in the general population . Experts advise , " toothache , periodontitis is a minor illness ," the perception is wrong , in fact , periodontal disease and systemic health affect each other. Periodontal disease indicators should be conscious of kidney screening , early prevention and detection of chronic kidney disease.
The latest survey
Periodontitis patients
Chronic kidney disease was 18.2%
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is second only to cancer and heart disease hazards . It is estimated that chronic kidney disease more than 500 million people . Country living on the caries prevalence of periodontitis , is China's leading cause of adult tooth loss . 2005 academics first confirmed renal dysfunction associated with periodontal disease , periodontitis patients with glomerular filtration rate decreased risk of double non- periodontitis patients , but the study only for Caucasian populations .
Dental Hospital of Guangdong Province , Guangdong Province, Director of Oral Health Center and Dr. Liu Kejin Zhang Jin was united Nephrology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen experts , conduct research on the prevalence of CKD in patients with chronic periodontitis Guangdong region . Study took 3 to August 2011 in Guangdong Province, Stomatology Hospital for treatment of periodontal Section 1268 periodontitis patients aged 18 years or older and found that , in patients with chronic periodontitis prevalence of CKD was 18.2 %. significantly higher than the general population.
The study also found that people with chronic periodontitis mean serum concentration of smoking in all four kinds of inflammatory factors higher than nonsmokers . Therefore, Liu Kejin reminded , male, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and chronic periodontitis patients suffering from kidney disease should be especially vigilant .

Periodontal disease and chronic kidney disease correlated
Periodontal disease can cause chronic kidney disease? "Can not say that it will directly cause periodontal disease and chronic kidney disease , but our study found that periodontal disease and chronic kidney disease correlated ." Liuke Jin explained that chronic periodontitis is caused by the plaque microorganisms occurred in the periodontal support of chronic infectious diseases , periodontal pockets filled with a lot of bacteria and inflammatory exudate , leather bags walls appear erosions and ulcers . In the role of inflammation , vascular permeability increases , when periodontal pathogens and their toxins into the bloodstream , it will form a transient bacteremia , thereby increasing the systemic inflammatory response . At the same time , local tissue periodontal pathogens and their secretion stimulated by toxic products of IL-6, TNF-α, PEG2 etc. These media will further aggravate the systemic inflammatory response after entering the circulatory system, thus increasing the body's inflammatory load, activate the body's immune defense system , causing their immune damage. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that human periodontal disease can cause elevated blood inflammatory factor , and inflammatory factors can affect which is widely distributed in the vascular endothelial cells , renal vascular organ is a densely .
Therefore, screening for periodontal disease should be conscious indicators of kidney disease . Because the incidence of chronic kidney disease is often very hidden and can not be identified .


