
Drinks for water have kidney stones Doctor: Light drink intolerable

Core Tip : Changsha pregnant Wong listen to the British " Daily Mail" reported that the " water therapy ten years younger female reporters ' case , the results of drink hematuria . Autumn dry dry, haze in power , we are reminded family and friends drink plenty of water every day , but do we really know how to drink it?
27 -year-old beauty Yao Li Chengdu for water to drink three bottles a day , drink a result of kidney stones . Ms. Wong Cheung pregnant women to listen to the British " Daily Mail" reported " water therapy ten years younger female reporters ' case , the result drink blood in the urine . Autumn dry dry, haze in power , we are reminded family and friends drink plenty of water every day , but do we really know how to drink it? Come and listen to the doctor how to say .
Light drink intolerable
Drinking water did not taste too , 27 -year-old beauty Yao Li Chengdu (a pseudonym ) is often the drinks for water , drink three bottles or more drinks on average each day . Recently, Yao Li felt a dull pain in the abdomen , in units of the organization examination, detected multiple kidney stones. Yesterday, Yao Li Chengdu Military Region General Hospital for treatment, medical diagnosis, Yao Li sick precisely because a large number of long-term consumption of carbonated drinks .
The doctor said , drink beverages, love to eat meat , eat sweets are easy to cause kidney stones. In recent years, Chengdu younger patients with kidney stones increases, kidney stones have been one of the objects of the young man as a "favor ."
Drink culprit was actually kidney stones
When 27 -year-old姚丽平not love to drink , that drinking water has no taste , love the drinks for water . "Every time a thirst , my first thought was to drink ; while eating every meal , but also a drink before eating incense ." Yao Li said the average doing her to drink three bottles or more drinks a day, drinking at home machine where the water is a month or drank endless .
More than six months ago, after Yao Li meal will feel the abdomen aching. Recently organized a medical unit , she identified the left kidney with multiple stones. "I'm young, how it will get kidney stones ? " Yesterday , with questions, Yao Li came to the hospital. Hospital nephrologist informed Yao Li after the initial judgment, the reason is Yao Li sick drinking plenty of fluids .
Kidney stones at a younger age trend
"But now a lot of people do not like plain water , that it bland , to drink water all day holding a drink , in fact, just the opposite ." Said the doctor , drink plenty of anti- calculus refers not drink boiled water , drink sweet drinks but not good. Because the beverage which sugar , phosphate , caffeine and other ingredients will promote the excretion of calcium , the calcium content of the urine will increase which is easier to form stones .
Thus , a variety of sweet drinks , though tasty, but do not let drink sweet drinks become the main way of water , especially in less cola and other carbonated beverages. Yesterday, the reporter to investigate a number of hospitals in Chengdu , more than a nephrologist , said that in recent years the trend of younger patients with kidney stones . Know what
Calcium stones can cause improper
In addition to drink , what other factors susceptible to stone them ? Chengdu Women and Children 's Hospital pediatric nephrologist Center Shi Feng goods to us summarize the points:
1 , preference like sweets , meat of people suffering from high risk of kidney stones . Because of this people fat , and cholesterol intake are more likely to form cholesterol stones.
2 , some young people often do not eat breakfast , this would reduce the acid content of bile concentration, excessive secretion of glycoproteins , the particulate matter in bile gather together to form stones.
3 , individual mothers will take a variety of products calcium, calcium supplements can cause all kinds of improper stones .

4 , staying up late , drinking, smoking, eating disorders , which are very likely to cause stones in life , young people should be extra careful. Because eating good, cause human body " within the bad environment ," change is one of the incentives of kidney stones.


