
Need to guard against nephritis aggravated winter season

Respiratory diseases in winter and spring is a good season in coastal areas such as Shanghai , sooner or later, the temperature difference between night on highly prevalent respiratory infections in winter and spring , we look you will find now a fever , cough , sore throat on patient increased significantly over time autumn . Upper respiratory tract infections, including tonsillitis , otitis media , are likely to cause acute nephritis. This is mainly there is a hemolytic streptococcus , can cause acute glomerulonephritis by immune complexes appear edema, hematuria , proteinuria and hypertension . So if anyone , especially children, the emergence of sore throat, cough , fever, must be treated , do not because learning nervous, busy with work and delay the disease.
For chronic nephritis, infection also contributed to the cause of recurrent disease . Research data show that infection is the main cause of exacerbations of chronic nephritis . Even after timely treatment , most patients got better , but every time sicker would cause some damage to the kidneys , with the passage of time , the condition repeatedly, eventually leading to chronic renal failure .
Nephritis patients with hypertension , the cold weather, causing reflex vasoconstriction , more difficult to control blood pressure , and hypertension is to promote the deterioration of renal function until serious complications uremia. So nephritis patients with hypertension , be sure to follow the doctor's guidance, seriously good control of blood pressure, avoid rapid deterioration of renal function .
There are many kidney diseases, such as lupus nephritis , IgA nephropathy , etc., are cold-related . Therefore , be sure to be vigilant in the winter season and increased incidence of nephritis .
Thus , patients with a history of kidney disease , winter is coming, as do the following ::
① improve ventilation and prevent the flu. Time to open the doors and windows for natural ventilation can effectively reduce the number of microorganisms in indoor air , improve indoor air quality, indoor microclimate regulation is the most simple and effective method of disinfection of indoor air .
② attention to personal hygiene and protection. Develop good health habits is the key to prevention of infectious diseases in spring . Qinhuan , ground clothes, blankets when the weather is good exposure to sunlight. Respiratory diseases prevalent in the season should be reduced assembly, fewer trips to public places.
③ strengthening exercises to enhance immunity. Actively participate in physical exercise , and more fresh air to the outdoors , walking every day , jogging, exercise, blood flow to the body , such as boxing , stretch muscles , physical enhancement. To exercise reasonable arrangements to avoid the intense, a lot of movement .
④ law of life , maintaining adequate sleep . To arrange a good rest , so that the law of life , work and rest .
⑤ clothing, food and pay attention to detail . Climate variability, timely change clothes , must not cut too much at once ; attention sheltered cold sweat after exercise . Reasonable arrangements diet, do not smoke , do not drink , do not eat spicy food, reduce respiratory irritation. Do not drink unboiled water , do not eat unclean food , and refused to eat raw meat and eat a variety of seafood, fruit skin . To the water, adequate intake of vitamins, should eat more rich in quality protein , carbohydrates and trace elements in foods such as lean meat , eggs, dates, honey and fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. to enhance the body immunity .

⑥ timely medical treatment, periodic inspection . So the discovery of physical discomfort or timely medical treatment should be similar reactions , especially those with fever or abnormal urine routine should be early diagnosis and timely treatment.


