
Repeated colds, inflammation of the tonsils, kidney pee foam and more to be alert

Core Tip: Many people in the cold, feeling tired, urinating when found floating on the surface of the foam in urine, it is difficult to eliminate, at this time, we must be vigilant, it is recommended to the hospital in time to be a urine test to see if urine protein, red blood cells. If you have to consult a specialist, do renal biopsy to confirm the diagnosis when necessary.
To guard against chronic kidney disease
Professor Wang Yongjun said, IgA nephropathy accounting for 52.8% of primary glomerular disease, but 20 years ago, this proportion has only 35%, growing fast, and many more, mostly young adults aged 20 -40 years old. Compared to other primary glomerular disease, it is more hidden and harder to early detection, many patients wait until the time of diagnosis, often has entered the stage Ⅲ, Ⅳ of even a. IgA nephropathy is divided into the Western stage Ⅴ, Ⅰ, Ⅱ Basic no obvious symptoms. Ⅲ until symptoms begin obvious, such as body edema, urine redness. Wait until Ⅳ rapid development of the disease will seriously affect the patient's work and life. Most Ⅴ period developed into uremia need hemodialysis.
Treatment focuses on clinical Ⅰ - Ⅲ period, but this requires early detection, early diagnosis, how to do?
Professor Wang reminded a lot of people in the cold, feeling tired, urinating when found floating on the surface of the foam in urine, it is difficult to eliminate, at this time, we must be vigilant, it is recommended to the hospital in time to be a urine test to see if urine protein , red blood cells and so on. If you have to consult a specialist, do renal biopsy to confirm the diagnosis when necessary.
In addition, repeated colds, or inflammation of the tonsils, and each lasting a long time, it is recommended to check a urine. Tonsils will release IgA, induce IgA nephropathy. He met many such patients in the clinic. There are eight-year-old boy, he was very impressed. That day, the boy because of the color of urine red, check urine protein found in the urine a "+", RBC two "+", from the treatment. After the history, Professor Wang suspected that he was due to tonsillitis, let him look to his mouth tonsils.
"Two of his tonsils very big, almost as big as a large walnut, like his age, usually ginkgo was normal size." Professor Wang said, "So, I asked his mother, he is not often tonsils? Mom said, yes, sometimes once a month on the attack two days ago, she just took his son to the ENT seen. according to the disease, and I let him control inflammation, do tonsil surgery after tonsillectomy, the boy IgA Symptoms of kidney disease will slowly disappear. "
Medical units urine test can not be ignored
In addition to primary glomerular disease, susceptibility to chronic kidney disease-related factors, but also including hypertension, diabetes, hyperuricemia, such as long-term use of nephrotoxic drugs, known as secondary to chronic renal clinical disease, mostly related to unhealthy lifestyles and metabolic diseases, but also pay attention to. Once a year in the urine of healthy must not be ignored, this is an important way for early detection of kidney disease.
It should be noted, do not drink too much water before a urine test, in order to avoid false negative dilute urine. But not for a long time without water, urine urine when it is best to reach 1,000 ml or more, otherwise the urine concentration, prone to false positives.
In general, the specific gravity of around 1.015 more appropriate, if less than 1.005 explanation urine too light, too strong a description of greater than 1.03, which will affect the diagnosis. Related to the proportion of low and into the water, and more water is low specific gravity.

If the urine showed proteinuria a "+", but not red blood cells, the two proposals do.


