
Systemic lupus nephritis dietary considerations

Systemic lupus nephritis dietary considerations , what does ? What are suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis friends daily dietary needs attention? Systemic lupus nephritis patients how to eat every meal meal it? Here follow the Xiaobian look at systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis diet to do what note it.
The first is not to eat less food with enhanced light-sensitive effect of food : such as figs, milk vetch , rape, celery, yellow snail and after sun exposure should be avoided as edible . Mushrooms , shiitake mushrooms and certain foods , such as dyes and tobacco also have the potential role of induced SLE , and also try not to eat less food .
The second is the best to eat some protein-rich foods : kidney damage in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis often have a lot of protein lost in the urine , causing hypoproteinemia therefore necessary to add enough quality protein , can be more blues , eat more soy products , eggs, lean meat , fish and other protein-rich foods.
The third is to eat low-fat , low-sugar , low-salt diet : less nephritis in patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus , poor digestion , should eat light digestible food, not eating greasy foods contain more fat , sugar in patients with long-term use corticosteroids, steroids can lead to diabetes and Cushing 's syndrome , it should be appropriate to control appetite , eat food , use of corticosteroids in patients with renal impairment or high sugar content easily lead to water and sodium retention, causing edema , it should low-salt diet.

The above is an introduction to systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis content of dietary considerations , we should now have to understand it, the introduction of three diet only refer patients with systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis , systemic lupus erythematosus hope patients helpful.


