
Four lifestyle most kidney injury

Life, although people often clutching his waist, joked that his own kidneys bad, but in fact, a real understanding of the performance of people with kidney disease, less than 10%, and even many non-nephrology doctor of kidney disease are poorly understood.
Then, as one of the vital organs of internal organs, which have an important role in kidney, kidney disease frequently why high?
Kidney bad, internal organs are sick
Liver, spleen, lung and kidney, although kidney came in the last five internal organs, but its role is most important. Experts cited the following example: If the kidney compared to a "boiler", then produced the body to burn "Cinder" (metabolites) have to be discharged by the boiler. Once the "boiler" problems, did not break out the waste will not only damage "boiler", the whole system will collapse.
Experts, kidney has three functions, one to generate urine, to maintain the balance of water. "Each human kidney glomerular about 1.3 million a day to filter and clean 200 liters of blood, the equivalent of 10 barrels of water, forming about 1.8 liters of urine when the body too much or too little water, the kidneys urine is adjusted to maintain body water balance. "two metabolites are eliminated from the body and toxic substances. "Human metabolism produces metabolic wastes such as urea, uric acid, creatinine, these wastes from the kidneys through urine excreted, thus maintaining normal physiological activity." Third, endocrine function. Such as the secretion of erythropoietin (EPO) to promote bone marrow; generate active vitamin D regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism, maintain normal structure and function of the skeleton; secretion of vasoactive substances regulating blood pressure.
It is because of these three kidney function, so a kidney problem, the problem also occurs in other parts of the body. Experts say early nephropathy mostly fatigue, weakness, swelling of the eyelids, face pale, a lot of foam in urine, painful urination or difficulty. Next will have loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, back pain, nocturia, edema, elevated blood pressure, breath with urine, pain, itching, muscle tremors, numbness, unresponsive and so on. If serious, these symptoms continue to increase, and it will lead to heart, liver, lung and other organ failure.
Kidney disease is a "silent killer"
The latest epidemiological survey, chronic kidney disease has become one of the major public health threat worldwide disease, its prevalence is even higher than some of the common cancers.
Developed countries, approximately 6.5% of the general population suffer from varying degrees of -13.1% of kidney disease, including kidney United States has more than 20 million the number of patients, kidney patients admitted to hospital each year up to 100 million. The patient has kidney disease than people who did not go to a doctor treated much more.
Experts further noted that China prevalence of chronic kidney disease by about 10% per year due to uremia deaths of about 450,000, "the results were shocking, which people do not protect their kidneys have a great relationship."
"Compared with other major diseases harmful to human health, chronic kidney disease can be a silent killer." Experts, chronic kidney disease, including nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, uremia. These diseases have been very hidden, no obvious symptoms at onset, the patient is not likely to cause attention, so many patients when medical treatment has started the development of end-stage renal disease, or uremia. "Uremic patients spend an average of more than 100,000 yuan annual medical, so many families 'poverty caused by illness'." And the best way to avoid that is properly protect their kidneys.
Four lifestyle most kidney injury
Today, there is a growing emphasis on nutrition and health, but the incidence of kidney disease remains high why? Experts believe that this is caused by a variety of factors, people's lifestyles and kidney health are closely related. Experts also said that there are four injured kidney modern lifestyle.
Eat seafood, drink beer. Eat plenty of high-protein diet, such as meat and fish, etc., will produce too much uric acid and urea nitrogen and other metabolic wastes, increasing renal excretion burden. Easily lead to heavy drinking and hyperuricemia, while these habits can cause high cholesterol and other metabolic diseases, caused by kidney disease. Summer, many people like to drink beer and eating seafood, renal physician in this way has been called "the most harm to the kidneys to eat."
Stay up late, eat salty, do not drink. Long-term stay up late, work pressure, drink strong tea and coffee, it is prone to kidney problems. The salty diet, can cause high blood pressure, kidney can not maintain normal blood flow, thereby induced nephropathy. If a long time without water, will reduce the amount of urine, waste and urine concentrations of toxins carried will increase, easily lead to kidney stones, hydronephrosis and so on.
Disorder medication, medication too. Long-term use of nephrotoxic drugs easily lead to tubulointerstitial damage. These include herbal medicines containing aristolochic acid ingredients such as manshuriensis fangchi, green wood, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, etc., such as pain tablets, paracetamol, etc., easily lead to kidney damage.
Often holding back urine. Urine in the bladder long time will breed bacteria, bacterial retrograde through the ureter to the kidney, leading to urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis. Once recurrent, can lead to chronic infection, difficult to cure.
Retaining good kidney, can live longer
A kind of traditional Chinese medicine theory called "want longevity, retaining good kidney." While Western medicine in the "kidney" meaning different, but this sentence is applicable. Experts said that if people can better protect the kidneys, reduce the incidence of kidney disease, will increase the overall life of mankind.
Experts say: "Kidney disease can cause damage to kidney function continued to slow, with time, reduced quality of life, seriously affecting human life." She suggested doing the following six, will be able to protect their kidneys.
First, a balanced diet. Reducing salt intake, diet should be light. Meat and vegetables, avoid overeating. Appropriate water, do not hold back.
Second, there are plans to insist on daily physical activity and physical exercise, weight control, prevent colds.
Third, when the throat, tonsils and other infections when required immediate antibiotic treatment under the guidance of a doctor thoroughly, otherwise streptococcal infection easily induced kidney disease.
Fourth, quit smoking, drinking in moderation; avoid drug abuse, do not take large doses of painkillers and herbs containing aristolochic acid and so on.
Five women before pregnancy is best to check for kidney disease and renal insufficiency, otherwise, if you have had kidney problems and blind pregnancy, kidney disease may soon deteriorate.

Six is ​​regularly inspected annually urine and kidney function, we can also do the kidneys B-to enable early detection and early treatment.


