
Or suffer from lower back pain acid hydronephrosis

Core Tip: Many causes of lower back soreness , especially hydronephrosis , a common symptom is back pain .
Most patients presented with pain in the lower abdomen or lower back , according to the speed performance of the obstruction occurs as severe cramps , pain , or pain. Might be happening inside the urinary tract obstruction , such as urinary tract stones or tumors , prostatic hypertrophy , etc. ; may also be outside the urinary tract urinary tract disease caused by oppression, causing urinary tract obstruction, such as retroperitoneal fibrosis , retroperitoneal tumors.
While the above urinary tract obstruction will eventually cause hydronephrosis, but patients may not have a clear beginning clinical symptoms, which is related to the etiology and incidence of hydronephrosis rate of formation .
If the site of obstruction in the urinary bladder or less , the patient will dysuria . In addition, since urinary tract obstruction , the patient will be repeated urinary tract infections.
Experts advise that if you feel waist ache, pain, especially when one side of the lower back pain , should be especially vigilant , this may be an early manifestation of hydronephrosis . Especially when the back pain, not simply thought it was cold or tired due to the waist . Also, if you find urine redness, dark, or color of soy sauce , there may be ureteral stones , tumors cause bleeding caused , then there may hydronephrosis .

B-ultrasound is an important method of hydronephrosis found that once diagnosed, can urography , cystoscopy, ureteroscopy , urinary system , such as CT or MRI examination, to further clarify the cause hydronephrosis cause. In a timely manner to find the cause of urinary tract obstruction and early lifting of urinary tract obstruction, renal function can effectively protect against chronic renal failure.


