
Children with acute nephritis how diet health approach

Acute nephritis is one of the common diseases in children , the whole subject to varying degrees of kidney damage , decreased urine output . Because of damage to the kidneys and systemic capillaries , the blood vessel wall permeability changes , resulting in systemic edema, high blood pressure , oliguria and other symptoms. At this point the patient's diet should avoid salt , water should not be overly restricted , in order to facilitate urination. When urine output to be increased , by no salt to salt , about 1.5 to 2 grams per day , that is, 50 grams of salt to eat 25 to 30 days . While limiting salt, alkali or salt who made ​​bread, pasta , crackers and a variety of pickles, pickles , etc. should be taboo , for human consumption, shall prepare himself alkali salt-free pasta.
When on protein intake in the early onset of significant oliguria and hypertension , should be properly controlled . Per kg body weight 0.5 grams ( or less than l gram per kilogram ) , such as a 7-8 year-old children , about a day to about 11 grams of protein , lean pork chop flesh equivalent to 50 grams, or 100 grams pomfret . However, dietary protein sources other day meat , there are cereals and other plant foods , the amount of the above example refers to the amount of day , the actual matching meals , animal food required to be considered , so that each day intake of protein ( see the following example ) within the limit . Because children are the growth stage, this low- protein diet food for too long , 2 to 3 days supply of protein that should be increased to about 30 grams per day .
General condition has alleviated sick children the freedom to choose the food , consider the beginning without salt , common salt diet after getting to and encourage sick children to eat more fruits and sugar foods. The amount of added Vit C and vitamin B complex tablets, according to doctor's orders according to the amount consumed.
The following example is a seven- day food intake of children aged when suffering from acute nephritis . Early protein restricted diet 11 g per day , disable salt.
Breakfast : a bowl of sugar porridge .
Snack ( 9:00 ) : Apple 1
Lunch: a bowl of porridge , egg yolk a yellow bean sprouts ( 100 g ) , 10 g of oil ( cooking with )
Snacks ( 14:00 ) : cook pears 1 ( 100 g ) , 20 g sugar
Dinner: a bowl of porridge , vegetables and 60 grams , 30 grams of potatoes , 10 g oil
Dim Sum ( 19:00 ) : Apple one ( 100 g )

As the amount of food consumed by the above , the day received 11 grams of protein , 917 kcal of heat . However, when the consumption of such food, mostly in the period of hospitalization , her condition improved at discharge , the original low-salt diet generally available , limit 1.5 grams of salt per day can be. Supply of protein without too restrictive , but to follow the doctor's advice to clinics regularly to discharge condition was observed after recovery .


