
Glomerulonephritis preference for youth

Core Tip : Lift nephritis , everyone is familiar with , even soon emerge out of the terrible scenes uremia , a kidney transplant and so in my mind , and even talk about " kidney " pale . A lot of people think nephritis occurs in adults, especially the elderly . In fact , our current rate of teen nephritis is gradually increased need to attract enough attention.
Kobayashi, 12 years old , was attending primary school , is a healthy and lively boy. Two weeks ago after catching a cold quickly once healed . But after getting up this morning feeling backache, like discoloration of urine when urinating found the same water to wash the meat . Parents rushed him to the hospital , the doctor told them after checking Kobayashi suffering "acute nephritis ." Mom and Dad were terrified , and quickly asked how this disease is obtained , can not be cured, many problems will not become uremia .
Lift nephritis, everyone is familiar with , even soon emerge out of the terrible scenes uremia , a kidney transplant and so in my mind , and even talk about " kidney " pale . A lot of people think nephritis occurs in adults, especially the elderly . In fact , our current rate of teen nephritis is gradually increased need to attract enough attention.
Acute glomerulonephritis
Acute glomerulonephritis , called glomerulonephritis after acute infection , is a common kidney disease . It has a rapid onset , severe illness characteristics of adolescents aged 5 to 14 , one of the most common nephritis .
The disease often occurs after infection , streptococcal infection is still present, the most common cause . In northern China , more than 90 % of acute nephritis occurs in winter and spring , often occurs in pharyngitis , upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis . Occurred in the south in the summer , because the hot and humid climate , mosquitoes and more prone to scratching the skin infection and caught impetigo . Streptococcal infection , further activate the human immune system by a variety of complex mechanisms leading to kidney damage , symptoms appear .
What are the symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis need to be vigilant
The clinical manifestations of this disease of varying severity , the light may not have any symptoms, but severe cases can even renal failure . The typical prodromal symptoms of infection after 1 to 3 weeks after the incubation period of acute onset, hematuria , proteinuria , edema , oliguria, hypertension and renal dysfunction and other manifestations of acute nephritic syndrome . Therefore , when the following performance of patients and their families need to be vigilant of the disease may :
A change in color of urine ( hematuria ) : often the first symptom onset , almost all patients had hematuria , 40% of gross hematuria , urine color can wash the meat was like water or soy sauce , but usually no bloodshot and blood clots , for 1 to 2 weeks , and observed under a microscope hematuria longer periods.
2 increase in urine foam ( proteinuria ) : Almost all patients had varying degrees of proteinuria, but most less than 3 grams per day , patients often can be found in the urine of foam obvious, and still place not long after the bubble subsided.
3 edema : Early onset of symptoms often , the light of early morning eyelid edema , was called " nephritis face ." Severe cases can extend to the whole body , a little pitting , a few may appear high degree of swelling , weight increased significantly.
4 blood pressure : 70 % to 80 % of patients with hypertension , mostly mild to moderate blood pressure , there may be a feeling of dizziness , even visible severe hypertension, severe headache , decreased vision , palpitation , chest tightness serious complications of the heart and brain, breathing difficulties.
5 decreased urine output and renal injury: When the majority of patients the onset of decreased urine output ( < 500 ml / day ) , a blood test can be found in a transient increase in blood urea nitrogen , two weeks after increasing urine output and renal function recovery . Very few patients developed to complete anuria , acute renal failure.
Treatment and prognosis of acute nephritis
The disease is self-limiting to symptomatic treatment , the main purpose is to reduce edema , hypertension and other symptoms , prevention of fatal complications and promote recovery of renal function . Specific measures include :
1 bed rest : about two weeks , until the disappearance of gross hematuria , edema, blood pressure returned to normal.
2 diets : low-salt diet rich in cellulose given , obviously swollen take control water intake, protein intake should be restricted when there is renal dysfunction , giving high-quality protein ( a protein containing essential amino acids , such as milk , eggs, etc. ) .
3 symptomatic treatment and prevention of complications : Depending on the symptoms , may be given a diuretic , blood pressure, improve heart function and other drugs symptomatic treatment to prevent heart failure , encephalopathy and other serious complications.
4 anti-infective therapy : When respiratory tract, skin lesions , such as bacteria persists, should be actively given antibiotic treatment.
5 Other therapeutic measures : such as Chinese medicine , it should be good dialectical therapy , but also can promote disease recovery.
Good prognosis of the disease , the vast majority of children and adolescent patients ( > 90% ) can be cured , but there are still a few patients because the treatment is not timely or inappropriate measures leave some degree of sequelae or delayed healing of illness , to chronic nephritis.
The main preventive measure is to actively prevent streptococcal infections: one is to prevent upper respiratory tract infection , once the disease should be treated as soon as possible ; Second, pay attention to the skin clean, avoid impetigo occurs . Encountered suppurative tonsillitis , scarlet fever and other epidemic season , but also to pay attention to improve personal hygiene , good isolation measures . Once dark urine , increased urine foam , back pain, swelling and other symptoms, the need for timely medical treatment, further examination to assess the severity of the disease , and the timely and correct treatment under the guidance of the kidney specialist . Do not take it lightly or styled, casually taking the so-called recipe, recipe, to avoid delays in diagnosis and treatment of disease. Once severe edema , headache, difficulty in breathing or when urine output was significantly reduced , they should seek immediate medical attention to avoid serious and even fatal complications .
IgA nephropathy
This is another common teen types of glomerulonephritis , particularly prevalent in Asian populations . Compared with acute glomerulonephritis mentioned earlier , the disease has the following characteristics worthy of attention :
1 more complex pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders may be the initiating factor , and genetic factors, environmental factors are also important reasons, so some patients have familial aggregation , that there may be more than one family suffering from the disease.
2 variety of clinical manifestations and severity vary, but most patients with hematuria , especially in a transient or recurrent macroscopic hematuria , mostly after infection , but no clear incubation period. Other common symptoms include proteinuria , hypertension, renal dysfunction, edema , etc.
3 different acute nephritis , the disease longer duration, protracted illness , often in infection , recurrent after exertion and other incentives, poor control will gradually develop chronic renal failure, and even uremia.
4 diagnosed with IgA nephropathy is dependent on renal biopsy examination , but there is a risk of kidney biopsy , and therefore should determine the need and timing of renal biopsy by a professional doctor according to the specific circumstances of the patient .
5 . Treatment complex. In addition to symptomatic treatment , some patients with severe disease may require steroid and immunosuppressive therapy . But the side effects of these drugs exist , therefore the nephrology specialists should weigh in deciding how to apply after . Do not take drugs themselves , not a sudden withdrawal medication process, otherwise there will be serious adverse reactions.
Minimal change nephropathy
The disease , also known as minimal change glomerular disease , the incidence peak population of children and young people , accounting for over 70% of children less than 10 years old nephrotic syndrome. Compared with the previous two diseases , the disease is characterized by :
1 hematuria obvious, only about 20% of the patients had microscopic hematuria , gross hematuria is very rare.
2 proteinuria prominent. Most have proteinuria ( urinary protein greater than 3.5 grams per day ) , due to the large protein leakage in the urine , resulting in significantly lower plasma albumin , systemic edema, severe cases can even have pleural effusion, ascites , dyspnea , abdominal distension , loss of appetite and other symptoms.
3 Most children's blood pressure and renal function in patients with normal, but a few may occur in acute renal failure.
4 Most respond well to hormone therapy , but if not treated early , prone to infections, malnutrition, complications of endocrine disorders, blood clots , and even life-threatening .
In addition to these diseases, allergic purpura nephritis , hereditary kidney disease also occurs youth , these diseases are often apart kidney damage, as well as rashes , hearing and vision loss and other symptoms.

Thus, young people are one of nephritis ( especially some of these types ) predilection crowd, due to the different types of nephritis clinical manifestation, of varying severity , treatment and prognosis big difference . Therefore, when the adolescents hematuria , proteinuria, edema , hypertension , decreased urine output and other common manifestations of nephritis timely medical treatment when necessary , further examination to confirm the diagnosis . Then developed under the guidance of nephrology specialist treatment programs , and regularly review relevant indicators to reduce complications and maximize the recovery of renal function , and protect our precious but fragile kidneys.


